Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day of Crappiness

Yeah, I know - crappiness isn't a real word. I've been saving this picture for just the right occasion and I think it is upon us (me, Josh).

Inventory of the idiotic things we've done in the last 24 hours:

Me: put an unscrewed water bottle in my purse with my camera. The camera is now fried, probably. (Yes, I have been looking at buying a new camera, I just didn't mean to jump into it like this!! So I'll probably be fishing through some old pics for posts in the near future... )

Josh: noticed that he'd booked us tickets for this weekend, to attend a wedding in Annapolis, from Baltimore to Boston. If you've lost track (as he did), we live in BOSTON. So, we'll be headed down there by automobile, it seems.

We suck.


Spider Girl said...

I think crappiness qualifies as a word. It must.

As does "craptacular", which is a word which has come in handy many a time as just the perfect descriptive word...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, let me think of something dumb I did, to make you feel better (as misery loves company):

- I got to court for a sticker violation 3 minutes late, and had to wait an entire work day to get my case dealt with... which consisted of paying $30. I missed my name which was called first. And I paid $25 for day care for the day and had a pile of work to do! The worst part was, I tried to pay it online and couldn't.

- I left a plastic bag of granola on the electric range and uh, made a mess (it was still hot)

- I rear ended a pickup truck and caused my front hood to become cosmetically disturbed, but too expensive to fix (my first accident in 20 years of driving, but still... grrr, I had just spent $800 on the car!)

- I lost my receipt for some curtains from Ikea that I opened... and now they won't take them back.

Feel better now? :P

Melissa said...

Seems like it was an all around awful day yesterday... I cried at school because my kids almost all missed their buses to go home and I was terribly stressed out.

Rachel Summers said...

Who's Spider Girl?

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation, the photo is beautiful.