Wednesday, November 12, 2008

$.79 just doesn't buy what it used to

I mentioned our quick trip to Harrisburg - were just there briefly to see Josh's Aunt Pami, who is fighting pancreatic cancer. It is a very tough disease, and our thoughts remain with her as she continues to fight it.

A cheerful detour of this trip - and a break from the driving - was a quick visit with my sister and niece, Jeni, in Jersey City on the way back, where we stayed just long enough to wander the streets and eat some tacos.

And count the abundant $.99 cent stores in the 'hood. This one has taken a unique approach to market differentiation:


Anonymous said...

I wish you'd taken a photo of the sign that says "Your Tops Our Bottoms... " LOLOL!!!

Jersey City is home to the funniest signs in the universe...


Meg said...

Inflation has even hit the $0.79 store! Your photos of Jersey City made me think of when we'd visit my grandma in the area. What good times!