Saturday, March 08, 2008

Making Faces

No, I don't intend to turn this into a baby blog, but it's been a month and I've barely left the house (it's the time of year when it doesn't really pay to go out anyway), and have about 800 baby pictures. Any suggestions for dumb captions?


Marcus Howell said...

ZOMG! He's so cute. Can't wait for X to meet him and for us all to be able to hang out again. Give Stef a call if you're looking for a playdate!

Meg said...

He's super cute...and he looks like a tiny blond Josh! Can't wait to see you guys again soon.

Stefanie said...

What a handsome young man! Can't wait to meet him.

Anonymous said...

He's simply stunning, what a gorgeous little boy. That first photo makes him seem so... grown up. He looks like a tiny adult, rather than a baby!

Hope all are well!

--- Eileen

Anonymous said...

He has grown soooo much! OMG, he is so adorable... I can't wait to play silly baby games with him.

I'll bet he's going to be a big joker when he gets bigger...