Thursday, March 31, 2011

Zach's collections

The streets of Key West yielded droppings from all sorts of flora. And when things got dicey with toddler anxieties about separating from the collection du jour, we tried photo therapy. As in, "no, you can't keep it, but I can take a picture for you to remember it."

Just don't ask what happened with his buyer's remorse over a VW bus souvenir, once he realized he could've gotten a train. We're still talking through that one, though now the questions are just "mommy, next time when we go to Key West, I can get a train?"

Yeah, sure. Next time we go to Key West. (Fortunately he has no concept that this may not happen till I retire.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Smathers Beach

Across the street and past the snack trucks - from our (excessively mirrored) rental condo.

No complaints.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Drinks in Key West

I can't drink like I used to, which is not saying all that much. However, there's nothing that says "vacation" quite like a drink before 1pm on a hot Tuesday afternoon.

Just add cheese fries...

(I get a bit trigger happy with the camera when I there's alcohol involved)

But, hey, at least I didn't climb a palm tree to put my beads up there. Someone else took care of that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


(Sarah and Gretchen)

As my husband could tell you, I'm a hopeless anti-romantic. But I still find this cute.

Jeni as seen from Hoboken




1) Jeni's glam pose.
2) Riding Gretchen (with spike from Empire State Building uncomfortably under her elbow)
3) Natural exuberance

Saturday was a lovely day to be a tourist in Hoboken and Jersey City. Well I guess that's what you'd call me - and Zach. We were there on our first mom-son road trip, visiting my sister (Sarah), her daughter (Jeni) and girlfriend (Gretchen).

Note to self: go back to Hoboken and eat more gouda swirls at the Old German Bakery.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Making Biscuits


Biscuits from scratch - on a weeknight. Serves as entertainment for mom, toddler and provides a wealth of extra calories for all.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Watching the Dragon Parade

Happy Chinese New Year! Yeah, ok, I know, it was like 3 weeks ago. And was a very cold morning in Chinatown when they had the dragon parade. Zach of course was super psyched because he'd seen it first on Caillou. I was super psyched when I realized we could watch the festivities from inside while eating a delicious meal of faux meat.

Lilia was a bit grumpy, but you can't really blame her given how cold it was outside.